Meal Prep - Pancit and Spam Sushi

Even with the shut down, JP and I still meal prep each week. This week we meal prepped shrimp Filipino pancit for lunch, spam sushi for breakfast and even prepped some dinners. If we do not meal plan, we will end up getting take out or ordering in. And during these extraodinary times, we definitely do not want to be eating out that much. Although, we had ordered a lot of Pho and Pizza.

Spam sushi is one of my favorite breakfasts. A few years ago some coworkers gave me this awesome spam sushi maker and it took me years to finally use it. Once we started, we cannot stop. But you do not need a spam sushi maker to make this delicious dish, it just makes it easier to put together. I could eat these everyday. I love everything involved in this dish. You just take cooked white rice, slice up and pan fry your spam, add some wasabi and wrap it up in seaweed. Delicious! 

This week we meal prepped shrimp pancit, which is a Filipino noodle dish. This is a very easy and low cost meal. I threw away our receipts so I was unable to put together an accurate cost for you, but I would say this meal probably cost around $15 to make and it makes a TON! In the picture I accidently put in rice wine but I meant to put in oyster sauce. I noticed when I started to make the dish. This is one of my favorite Filipino dishes that I cannot get enough of.

We also meal prepped some dinners. JP grilled and prepped chicken thighs for us to use in our indian dishes and I prepped some shrimps for the soup and tacos this week. Sometimes meal prepping, planning for meals you're excited about and little clean up can keep you from eating out, I know it does for us. If we are planning to have something we are not excited about, we will usually start talking about eating out until one of us pulls the other back into the budget game.

What meals do you love to prep? Have you stepped up your meal prepping game since the shut down? Be sure to comment, share and like this post.


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