A review of our Houston Trip

JP and I went to Houston and had the best time with family and friends. As I mentioned a month ago, we always make a budget for our vacations. The moment we start to seriously plan a vacation is really when we start to budget. One, because we want to see how much the trip will cost. Two, I love to plan and make budgets. And three, everyone should stick to a vacation budget so you don't return home scared to look at the credit card bill.

Below is our budget to actual. 
You will notice that we went over on our food and had some miscellaneous costs. We really should know by now that we need to budget better when it comes to food on vacation. Let's dig into why we went over and how we can improve.

I threw a surprise engagement party for my bff while in Houston and I did not account for the cost of the food. It was a great time but if we have any events like this one or plan to treat the family out, we should plan a realistic budget.

The other high priced meal we had out was crawfish. It too was worth every penny. Every finger licking penny. I highly recommend checking out Cajun Kitchen if you have not already. This place is just as good as Crawfish & Noodles that you may have seen on some popular Netflix and YouTube shows, and has lower prices. We have been eating at Cajun Kitchen since we first started dating and it is still an all time favorite. This is a must eat each time we visit Houston and we now know that we need to budget $125 for next time we eat here.

We also had some miscellaneous costs becasue our amazing friend opened up a Yoga Studio called, Yoga Dragon, and we decided to see him and check out one of his classes. It was just $15 a person for a drop in class, way lower than what my studio charges. If you live in Houston, you should check them out. Cool dude and cool place.

We had rented a 2017 BMW X3 on Turo and will now start using turo for future rentals. It was easy to use, great service and they met us promptly. Turo prices were significantly lower than the rental companies you find at airports.

All in all, we had a great trip and ended up being under budget. Do you budget for your vacations? Do you fear the damage once the vacation is over? Share, like, comment and subscribe.


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