What is your net worth?
Have you ever calculated your net worth? Have you really sat down and written all of your assets and liabilities to figure out your household net worth? This is something that I think should be done at least once a year. When JP and I went to Tennessee with my brother to do our debt free scream with Dave Ramsey in 2016, my brother and I started a financial race. The first one to x amount of dollars, wins. Now, I don't know if he remembers this, but I have taken it seriously ever since. JP and I also have an age in mind where we want to accomplish this same goal, so to make sure we are on track, I check our net worth each month. Below is an average net worth by age : How do you stack up? Below I will put 2 examples, the first is a household similar to ours without debt except the mortgage and the second, a household that has the average amount of debt in their 30s. Do you see yourself in any of those situations? Write out your balances in those amounts and add any ot...