A Review of our Florida Trip

Just like how we review our finances after each month, we review our budget after each trip. We made a last minute trip to Florida this month to see my Grandmom and hang out with family. 

It was a great trip, even if I did get severely sunburned. Yes, I was wearing sunscreen, just not the one I should have been wearing. Below is our budget to actual and you will see that we saved over $580 on this trip.

We were able to save on the activities because we decided not to go jet skiing since the costs were too high. $70 for half an hour? No thanks! The other large savings was for gas since gas prices are so low right now and from food since we did not eat out at any restaurants. We typically grill out the entire time we go on family vacations to save money. When everyone in your family knows how to cook, there is no reason to eat mediocre food out at the beach. (Plus with Covid, we were not willing to risk it!)
We are planning to go again next year, which would make this our 3rd year to go. Seeing Grandmom, my aunt, uncle, cousin and hanging out with family is always so much fun. My oldest brother has already booked his stay for next year, but we probably will not book for another few months or so. Before booking we will go thru the same process of budgeting.

Do you budget for your vacations? Be sure to subscribe, comment, like and share this post.


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